
Little Owls

Little OwlsLittle Owls accommodates 24 children ages 3 – 5 years. The staffing ratio is 1 staff member to 8 children.

The little owl environment offers two separate learning playrooms for children encouraging free flow play and increasing own choice. One large main playroom, which is bright and stimulating, offers a variety or areas that promotes challenge, inquiry and curiosity.

A second smaller playroom to create a quieter more relaxed space for the children which offers the children real life skills though woodwork, tool play and risky play. Both playrooms are fully equipped with a wide range of natural, heuristic and sensory resources, which supports the individual needs, and stages of each child.

The children experience learning across all eight areas of the Curriculum for Excellence at the Early Level. We value a play-based pedagogy which is supported by skilful practitioners to offer depth and breadth of learning and work in partnership with parents to identify individual learning goals for each child.

Staff use consultation time with the children, allowing to make decisions for their own learning. The staff allow the children to risk assess and teach them new things which will hopefully give them the best possible start in life.”

Their resources are all located at children’s level to allow then free and easy access, staff plan experiences in line with children’s interests. Planning is flexible and will be responsive to the children’s interests, allowing for timed activities and free flow play which engages children and challenges their thinking. Staff use a variety of methods for planning such as learning walls, observation and child / parent consultation.

Within this room the staff support the children, as we have developed a structured curriculum which ensures all our learners are receiving challenging, stimulating and enjoyable experiences, which enhance children’s holistic development. With the delivery of the Curriculum for Excellence and its eight curricular areas our aim is for all children to become Successful Learners, Effective Contributors, Confident Individuals and Responsible Citizens.

Staff use consultation time with the children, allowing to make decisions for their own learning. The staff allow the children to risk assess and teach them new things which will hopefully give them the best possible start in life. The children are active in their own learning and share responsibility alongside staff to ensure that their interests are taken forward and promote breadth, balance and depth in all experiences and activities.

Children are offered a wide range of opportunities to work independently or collaboratively with other children or staff and they may be supported or challenged to meet their individual needs or interests. Development of our early learners takes place through interactions with others, being active in their own learning, having responsibility and through day to day exploration and discovery both indoors and out.


Room Gallery

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Phone: 01698323200
Uddingston, G71 7PF
65 Old Mill Road

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